Join my Sorors, the Deltas Of The Charlotte Foundation this Saturday, April 25th for their 11th Annual Charity Bachelor Auction at the McGlohon Theater at 6pm.  Ladies, get your bidding paddles ready and listen to find out what you can expect!!  

Uptown Charlotte has experienced an explosion of growth in the area from the Square down to the Gantt Center, but North Tryon has struggled in recent years. The recent closing of the upscale soul food restaurant underscores the struggles in this area. On Thursday city leaders announced a concerted effort to revitalize the corridor, which […]

Delta’s grand opening drew elected officials, city leaders and Radio One’s foodies. The new restaurant is on North Tryon Street in the former home of…

Delta’s grand opening drew elected officials, city leaders and Radio One’s foodies. The new restaurant is on North Tryon Street in the former home of GW Finns. The New Jersey-based restaurant touts soul-inspired food. The menu is a mix of traditional soul food dishes with a touch of cajun. On first bite, the collards and […]